MSU Roadrunners - Voter Engagement Student Ambassadors

For the 2023-2024 Fall and Spring semesters, Undergraduate Studies received grant funding from the Community First Foundation and the Denver Foundation to for a team of student workers to conduct voter engagement work on campus and in the greater Denver community.

For the 2022-2023 Fall and Spring semesters, Undergraduate Studies acquired grants from the Rose Foundation and the Ask Every Student organization. The group of Voter Engagement Student Ambassadors (VESAs) conducted educational panels, media interviews, and worked to bolter the Roadrunner voter turnout.


One Way to Prepare your Students for Election Season

Election season is upon us! Ballots are being sent out, and our first election of many this year is happening on March 5. Despite their importance, elections can be overwhelming! Relieve some of the voter stress with the help of the Auraria campus Voter Engagement Student Ambassador (VESA) project: a non-partisan, tri-institutional, grant-funded group with the intention of increasing civic engagement across campus.

These student ambassadors, with the help of the Auraria Voter Engagement Committee, are ready and willing to visit classrooms in MSU Denver, CU Denver, and CCD to educate students on the importance of being civically engaged and what to do to become an informed voter during this election season. During a classroom visit, VESAs will speak for 5-10 minutes before class about the upcoming elections, how to register to vote and update your registration, how to understand the ballot, and other ways to be civically engaged. Having a VESA speak to your class is a great way to increase student voter turnout!

Interested in having a VESA speak to your class about voting? Request a VESA to visit your class!

In addition to making classroom visits, the VESA project also hosts events on campus. Join them for the ‘Vote. Run. Win.’ event on Wednesday, March 5 from 2 – 3:30PM in the Tivoli Multicultural Lounge, where elected and formally elected officials will be speaking to students about how to run for office and what the campaign trail looks like. Keep an eye out for future events surrounding the 2024 elections:

· March 5th (Presidential Primary)

· June 25th (State Primary)

· November 5th (Presidential Election)

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