啤酒与椒盐脆饼、车尾宴和跑步俱乐部的搭配可不止这些. 你会学到科学, the process, the business and the service of beer while you earn a bachelor’s degree in Brewery Operations from MSU Denver. Our Brewery Operations degree is truly one-of-a-kind as you won’t find a similar program anywhere else in the world.

涵盖啤酒厂运营的广度和深度, 从酿造过程中, 啤酒分析和包装质量控制, sales and distribution, MSU Denver provides a university education to new or experienced professionals in beer industry operations. Begin or take the next step in your career by learning the art and science of starting, 经营和管理啤酒厂或任何其他啤酒相关的职业.

与蒂沃利酿酒公司合作, 直接位于校园内, the Brewery Operations bachelor’s degree program offers a variety of opportunities for Brewery Operations majors to train in world-class facilities and work with professionals in the beer industry, 所有这些都是与北美最大的校园啤酒厂合作的.

Curriculum Checklist

Brewery Operations



Get the most from MSU Denver’s partnerships with Colorado’s thriving beer industry including breweries, Front Range和Rocky Mountain地区的餐厅和经销商. 我在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校主修酿酒厂运营, you’ll gain practical, 通过实习获得实践经验, research and more.

  • 啤酒运营专业的工作和实习作为认证导游, brewers and servers in the Tivoli Brewing Company brewery and restaurant on campus.
  • Numerous opportunities exist with the 400+ breweries around the state for you in the Beer Industry to intern and work at while pursuing your bachelor’s degree.

Get help with planning, scheduling and more from academic advisors in MSU Denver’s School of Hospitality.

与酿酒师和其他啤酒行业的专业人士交流. The Brewery Operations Program at MSU Denver hosts a variety of beer-themed special events, from brewing seminars to beer tastings to visiting guest speakers for opportunities to network with other members of the beer community. MSU Denver is an allied trade partner of the Colorado Brewer’s Guild and has hosted their annual Colorado Craft Brewer’s Summit on campus each fall. This industry trade show offers an amazing opportunity for students to connect with the industry and attend professional seminars.

拥有学士学位的价值. MSU Denver’s Bachelor of Science in Brewery Operations undergraduate degree program leads the country in beer education with guidance from its 啤酒行业咨询委员会.  Beer industry professionals contribute knowledge and perspective in the growing and changing needs of the beer industry to ensure Brewery Operations majors are learning the latest skills and techniques that will help them work in the beer industry.

利用独特的教育机会. MSU Denver’s Brewery Operations Program collaborates with other professionals and organizations to advance the beer industry. Not only is MSU Denver’s Brewery Operations program a member of the Colorado Brewers Guild, but it is also a pilot school for the Brewers Association (BA) and its Education Membership program and a test center for the Institute of Brewing and Distilling. MSU Denver Brewery Operations majors automatically receive a BA membership while they earn their bachelor’s degree, and faculty in the Brewery Operations Program are leading the BA’s informal working group to create a Society of Beer Educators for higher learning related to beer around the country.  皇冠官网网站是美国酿酒大师协会的成员.

MSU Denver has developed four world-class beer laboratories exclusively for the Beer Industry program, 在酿酒行业合作伙伴的资金支持下.

  • The Packaging Lab which lives in Tivoli Brewing Company features a CASK Canning Solutions ACS-V5 canning machine to teach the value and skill of quality packaging.
  • The Brewing Production Lab features five Ruby Street 15-gallon Fusion Systems and teaches the hot side of professional brewing, 从捣碎大麦到从啤酒花中提取树脂.
  • The Fermentation Lab features 20 7-gallon conical fermenters and testing equipment for the cold side of the brewing process to teach the microbiological process of using yeast to convert simple sugars in the wort to alcohol.
  • The Quality Control and Analysis Lab is a triple TTB-Certified Lab for student education and commercial testing, 学生和酿酒师可以在哪里测定酒精含量, dissolved oxygen, 二氧化碳水平(以及更多)!)以及啤酒中可能存在的污染物.
  • The Sensory Analysis Lab in the state-of-the-art Hotel and Hospitality Learning Center features modern facilities and natural light sources for sustainable, 啤酒互动课, wine, and spirits.

在校园里经营着价值数百万美元的酿造设备, packaging, and distribution, Tivoli Brewing Company has the potential to be one of the highest-producing craft breweries in Colorado, 有能力生产28,每年用30桶的自动喷水灭火系统生产1000桶啤酒. With on-site training facilities including high-quality large-scale and pilot systems, 一条灌装生产线和蒂沃利自来水屋, Tivoli Brewing Company is the largest full-production brewery in the country on a college campus.

In the 同一个世界同一个水(OWOW)中心, 酿造操作专业的学生学习环境问题, 市政供水, water law, waste water and water chemistry in partnership with MSU Denver’s OWOW program, the only in-depth water center that coexists with a brewing program in the country.



The beer industry in Colorado has created more than 24,000 jobs and contributes more than $10.啤酒研究所(Beer Institute)最近的一份报告显示,这一数字为美国经济贡献了30亿美元. 拥有啤酒运营学士学位, you increase your marketability to potential employers in beer-related industries such as these:

  • 酒精饮料零售管理
  • 啤酒销售及分销
  • Brew deck control
  • 啤酒厂经营管理
  • Brewpub management
  • Business operations
  • 精酿生产
  • Government affairs
  • Nonprofit partnerships
  • Macro-breweries
  • Raw material supply
  • Sensory programs
  • 质量控制和分析实验室

Brewery Operations majors and the rest of the Brewery Operations Program boast a 100 percent job placement rate. Alumni manage and operate breweries and quality labs across the country such as Berthoud Brewing, Sleeping Giant Brewery, Molson Coors Brewing, and Tivoli Brewing.

Featured Faculty


The degree programs in the School of Hospitality at MSU Denver are accredited through the 高等教育委员会 (HLC).




School of Hospitality



School of Hospitality
Denver, CO 80217-3362

Phone: 303-615-1616