关于你.S. 水问题

在这个课堂上, water is examined as a natural and societal resource, water infrastructure challenges, industry-related water pollution, and future changes due to climate change.

Upon completion of this course, you will gain a basic understanding of:

  • How population, climate, geology, and hydrology impact the supply of water resources
  • How water resources and usage in the US compares with that in other countries
  • Water issues that can arise in “wet” and “dry” areas
  • 虚拟水
  • Agricultural use of water and how it impacts the shape of the land and economics
  • Types and sources of water pollutants
  • Condition of water infrastructure in the US and public health concerns
  • Water and wastewater treatment processes
  • How hydrology models are used to predict flooding and methods of stormwater control
  • Water conflicts between US and neighboring countries
  • Water conservation initiatives and their relationship with water quality

博士课程概述. 兰迪Brazeau


Complete the full certificate with these other courses:


的 壹世界壹水中心 (OWOW) is a collaboration between Metropolitan State University of 丹佛 and 丹佛 Botanic Gardens. 的 OWOW Center strives to prepare an educated, 授权, solution-oriented Colorado citizenry to protect and preserve our precious water resources.



电话: 303-615-1234

Jordan Student Success Building
3楼- 330号

Innovative and Lifelong Learning
P.O. 173362箱